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Salut, welcome to Les Bookworms!

Coucou tout le monde, it’s your favorite French bookworms – well actually Francophile bookworms! We are two admirers of France and the Francophonie in general with a passion for literature.

Helen is originally from Indiana in the United States and moved to Europe after university where she has lived in France and England. Miranda was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. Currently, she lives and works in Ottawa but spent two years in Sarrebourg, France.

We met while we were English language assistants in the TAPIF program (Teaching Assistant Program in France) in the Nancy-Metz Académie. Miranda was in Moselle half way between Nancy and Strasbourg while Helen taught in the Vosges.

If you love the French language, French culture, and France, join us with a glass of wine, coffee, or tea to discuss the beautiful eccentricities of France. But did you know France is not the only Francophone country? French is spoken by over 300 million people worldwide with dozens of countries listing French as their official language, for instance, Miranda’s home country of Canada! This podcast will bring unique voices and highlight stories from across the Francophonie so we can better understand the breadth and diversity that truly exists. There’s countless stories to read and chat about so let’s get started!

Check out our latest episodes

Episode 52|5: In Search of Lost Podcasts: Les Bookworms Revival

Overview We’re BACK! After a long hiatus, Les Bookworms are back with an episode reflecting on our Proustian journey or lack thereof (spoiler alert…c’mon not really). We also chat some of our favorite books from our break, books we are excited to read and some other literary moments that have sparked joy in the last…

Episode 51|4: 2 Down 5 to Go: Reflections on Volume II of Proust

Overview This episode is a pull back and pause on the journey of reading the world’s longest novel. We’ve officially completed the first two volumes of In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. We look at the volume as a whole and discuss a few issues we’ve had with the text so far. We…

Episode 50|4: A mix of gumption and courage: Paris memoirs

Overview This week on Les Bookworms Pod features two Paris memoirs that we enjoyed reading: Paris on Air by Oliver Gee and No. 91/92: notes on a Parisian commute by Lauren Elkin. Two short reads that transport you directly to the heart of Paris. Both stories touch on the experience of living in Paris following…

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